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Summer Lunch Program


St. Vincent de Paul Summer Lunch Program provides a bag lunch and beverage to school age children and their parents Monday through Friday during the entire school summer vacation.

The program is offered at Saratoga Park, located on the grounds of the Saratoga Campus – Waukesha Stem Academy. This site was chosen to accommodate the largest group of children in the city of Waukesha that utilize the School District of Waukesha’s Free and Reduced Breakfast and Lunch Programs while school is in session.

St Vincent de Paul partners with the City of Waukesha Park, Recreation and Forestry Department. Our joint goal is to help parents meet the needs of their children by providing a nutritious meal and fun-filled structure to long summer days.

St. Vincent de Paul Conference groups throughout Waukesha County support the lunch program with donations and provide teams of volunteers to prepare and serve the lunch at the park. The program has been in operation since 2001.